Welcome to our Eco-Council's Webpage!
Who are we?
Hi and welcome to our webpage. We are the Windhill Primary School Eco-Council and exist to help our school and local community do their part for the environment. With representatives from each class, we meet regularly to discuss upcoming events and ways to save the planet.
Mexborough Litter Pick
Switch Off Fortnight
Every year, we take part in the national Switch Off Fortnight to help save electricity and spread awareness of energy wastage. As a council, we decided how to celebrate this event as a school.
We set a competition across school to see who could save the most electricity. In teams, we spent the fortnight visiting classrooms and giving out green cards for classrooms who had devices switched off when not in use. Some classes struggled at the start, but by the end they were all doing well.
Each class also looked into electrical energy creation and how it can harm the environment. They designed posters about why we save electricity and how this can be achieved. We also looked at sustainable methods to produce energy.
Big Bird Watch
During the Big Bird Watch week, each class did a daily survey of the local wildlife to see what is flying over Windhill Primary School. We also made bird feeders and bird houses, and even did a range of artwork. Finally, we held a whole-school assembly to share our learning.