European Languages Day
On Thursday 23rd September we celebrated European Languages Day. Each class focused on a book from a different European country and took part in different activities throughout the day such as looking at Italian artists, learning to speak French and creating Danish flags. We all loved sampling food from different countries during our continental breakfast.
Enjoying school whilst staying safe
During 2020-2021, we all adapted really well to the changes around school which were made to keep us as safe as possible. We still had a fantastic Christmas and created a whole school virtual nativity, assemblies were held virtually and we were able to celebrate the end of the year with a whole school socially distanced picnic on the field.
Pupil well-being
Making sure we feel good on the inside is just as important as having a healthy body. We are encouraged to talk to someone if we feel sad, worried or out of sorts. Look at some of the strategies we have been using: