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Wrap Around Care

We currently provide the following Wrap Around Care Services and are registered as a provider for Tax Free Childcare and Universal Credit Childcare;


Breakfast Club runs from 8:00am to 8:45am, offering a balanced breakfast and a range of play activities to pupils for just £1 per day. Breakfast Club provides a healthy start to the day, ensuring pupils are well prepared for a day of learning, and can help working parents who may need to drop children off at school before the usual 8:45am start.


Places can be booked by emailing or contacting the school office on 01709 586949.

After School Care provides low-cost childcare at just £7.50 per day for quality care from 3:15pm to 5:30pm (4.30pm on a Friday). A range of activities are available and a healthy snack is provided.


Places must be booked in advance and can be done so on a termly basis  by emailing or contacting the school office on 01709 586949.


Any places booked and not cancelled by 3pm the day before it is required will still be charged.


After School Care can be contacted on 07565 588943 between 3:15pm and 5:30pm
