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Parent/ carer Code of Conduct

Windhill Primary School Parent/Carer Code of Conduct

At Windhill Primary School we are very proud and fortunate to have a very dedicated and supportive school community.  At our school the staff, governors, parents and carers all recognise that the education of our children is a partnership between us.


As a partnership we are all aware of the importance of good working relationships and all recognise the importance of these relationships to equip our children with the necessary skills for their education. For these reasons we continually welcome and encourage parents and carers to participate fully in the life of our school.


To truly create the best outcomes for children requires the relationship between home and school to be based on the principles of care, integrity, trust and mutual respect. The maintenance of this relationship is important to ensure that a child or children are safe (please read our safeguarding policy) and not open to undue distress and anxiety.


As well as following the guidance set out in our Home/ School Agreement and holding the above principles in mind, parents, carers and visitors are reminded:

• To respect the caring ethos and values of the school

• That both teachers and parents/ carers need to work together for the benefit of their children.

• Approaching school staff for help to resolve an issue is done in an appropriate manner

• All members of the school community are treated with respect using appropriate language and behaviour.

• The school needs to work with a child in order to clarify their version of events in order to bring about an appropriate solution to an issue.

• To correct their child’s actions especially where it could lead to conflict, aggressive or unsafe behaviour – both on and off the school premises.

• To use other strategies rather than using ‘staff’ as threats to admonish their children’s behaviour.

In order to support a peaceful and safe school environment the school will not tolerate parents, carers or visitors exhibiting the following:

 • Disruptive behaviour which interferes or threatens to interfere with any of the school's operation or activities anywhere on the school premises.

• Any inappropriate behaviour on the school premises.

• Using loud or offensive language or displaying temper.

• Threatening, in any way, a member of school staff, visitor, fellow parent/carer or pupil.

• Damaging or destroying school property.

• Sending abusive or threatening e-mails or text/voicemail/phone messages/ Dojo messages or other written communications to anyone within the school community.

• Defamatory, offensive or derogatory comments regarding the school or any of the pupils/parent/staff, at the school on Facebook or other social sites. (See Appendix 1).

• The use of physical or verbal aggression towards another adult or child. This includes physical punishment against your own child on school premises.

• Approaching someone else’s child in order to discuss or chastise them because of the actions of this child towards their own child. (Such an approach to a child may be seen to be an assault on that child and may have legal consequences).

• Smoking, taking illegal drugs or the consumption of alcohol on school premises.

• Dogs being brought on to school premises (other than guide dogs).


What happens if someone ignores or breaks the code?

In the event of any parent/carer or visitor of the school breaking, this code then proportionate actions will be taken as follows:


In cases where the unacceptable behaviour is considered to be a serious and potentially criminal matter, the concerns will in the first instance be referred to the Police. This will include any or all cases of threats or violence and actual violence to any child, staff or governor in the school. This will also include anything that could be seen as a sign of harassment of any member of the school community, such as any form of insulting social media post or any form of social media cyber bullying. In cases where evidence suggests that behaviour would be tantamount to libel or slander, then the school will refer the matter to the Local Authority Legal Team for further action. In cases where the code of conduct has been broken but the breach was not libellous, slanderous or criminal matter, then the school will send out a formal letter to the parent/carer with an invite to a meeting.


If the parent/carer refuses to attend the meeting then the school will write to the parent/carer and ask them to stop the behaviour causing the concern and warn that if they do not, they may be banned from the school premises. If after this behaviour continues, the parent/carer will again be written to and informed that a ban is now in place.


Note: (1) a ban from the school can be introduced without having to go through all the steps offered above in more serious cases.

(2) Site bans will normally be limited in the first instance.


Thank you for abiding by this policy in our school.

Together we create a positive and uplifting environment not only for the children but also all who work and visit our school.


Note: Can parents please ensure they make all persons responsible for collecting their children aware of this policy.



Inappropriate use of Social Network Site

Social media websites are being used increasingly to fuel campaigns and complaints against schools, Headteachers, school staff, and in some cases other parents or pupils. The Department for Education/Government and Governors of Windhill Primary School considers the use of social media websites being used in this way as unacceptable. Any concerns you may have about the school or your child/children must be made through the appropriate channels by speaking to the class teacher, the Headteacher or the Chair of Governors, where they will be dealt with fairly, appropriately and effectively for all concerned.

Libellous or Defamatory posts - In the event that any pupil or parent/carer of a child/children at Windhill Primary school is found to be posting libellous or defamatory comments on Facebook or other social network sites, they will be reported to the appropriate 'report abuse' section of the network site.

All social network sites have clear rules about the content which can be posted on the site and they provide robust mechanisms to report contact or activity which breaches this.

The school will also expect that any parent/carer or pupil removes such comments immediately.

Cyber Bullying – we take very seriously the use of cyber bullying by one child or a parent to publicly humiliate another by inappropriate social network entry. We will take and deal with this as a serious incident of school bullying. The school will also consider its legal options to deal with any such misuse on social networking and other sites
