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Governors Welcome

Chair of Governor’s Letter to Windhill Primary School’s families and friends


Bonjour à tous

Bientôt les Jeux Olympiques arriveront à Paris. A vos marques… prêts… partez ! »

                                      “Hello everyone, Soon, the Olympic Games will come to Paris. On your marks…Get set…Go!”


The Summer Olympic Games will start on 26th July, in Paris, France. Athletes from all over the world will have been in training for their events for years. They will be excited about taking part in their events, hoping to achieve Personal Bests, perhaps even winning Bronze, Silver or even Gold medals!


Athletes are physically fit but also mentally very strong. They practise and practise their sport: determined to improve their timing, strength and performance. They do not work alone. They have a skilled team of experts working with them.


Our children at Windhill are working hard, day by day, to build up their resilience: learning how they can persevere when they find things tricky, being supported by our staff to be creative, to problem-solve and to gain confidence.


Every one of our children is learning to

Fly High For Excellence.

Every one of our children is a Gold-medal winner!!!


On behalf of the Governing Body, thank – you for visiting our school website. It will be a pleasure to welcome you to Windhill and we would love you to meet our wonderful children, families and staff.

Very best wishes,  Mrs L Mathers



